Fine Art Printmaking

UNDERGRADUATE: Applied Art, Art Education
GRADUATE: Applied Art, Art Education

What is fine art printmaking?

Printmaking is a branch of visual arts. It's also the general term for the process and result of using one of the graphic techniques to create an artwork – multiplying a drawing through a matrix. Printmaking doesn't directly involve drawing on paper; instead, the drawing is etched, engraved, or otherwise applied to a matrix. The result is an artwork created from ink that is transferred from the matrix onto a sheet of paper, or another material, in multiple authorial copies. In addition to traditional printmaking techniques, digital techniques such as digital printing and digital press are also used in contemporary times.

If you pay attention to every detail of your drawing, but also enjoy creative mistakes, then fine art printmaking is for you. With each subsequent reproduction, you discover new nuances and dimensions of the drawing, so that each print, no matter how identical, is always uniquely renewed.


What knowledge will I gain?

In the undergraduate program of Art Education, you will explore the field of fine art printmaking through traditional techniques of relief, intaglio, and planographic printing, including specific methods like linocut, aquatint, etching, lithography, and screen printing. All these techniques and processes are aimed at shaping your individual artistic expression, nurturing the expressive possibilities of the print. As part of the fine art printmaking, you can also create artist’s books and explore various types of traditional bindings, with an emphasis on the artistic content of the book and a contemporary approach to form.

Works of our students

Resources and working atmosphere?

Printmaking classes take place in specialized, modernly equipped workshops for relief, intaglio, planographic and screen printing. Work is done in small groups, in a creative and relaxed atmosphere, respecting the individuality of each student.